Why many affiliates fail to make money online?
The statistics show that only 10% of people who take on the affiliate marketing business actually succeed. One of the reasons for this is they are wrongly informed and not guided properly on how to make it work.
As you already heard many times affiliate programs are not get-rich-quick-overnight schemes. You must spend time building youraffiliate business just like you would in any other business.
Now here are some questions you need to ask yourself before you start:
Are you really knowledgeable about the topic you've chosen?
Are you extremely passionate about it?
Do you think you could write pages and pages of content on it?
Did you just choose the topic because you saw others doing it and just seemed easy?
Did you join one the affiliate programs where you're given a replicated website and the company tells you to announce it to everyone and you get paid when your friends join under you?
You thought that you'll just submit this site to the search engines, post some ads and people will notice you, and sign up under you and ...tada.... you'd be rich!
Very WRONG!!!!
Those companies with replicated affiliate websites won't get added in the search business because of the duplication penalty. So in order to have any chance at getting your site found you'll need to create your own website with your own content. Of course these companies don't tell you that.
Now here are some reasons why people fail:
Many have an Shiny Object Syndrome (SOS), which is the biggest problem for most people, especially for newcomers. When you search online for affiliate programs there are new Power Systems or Push Button Magic Formulas that only lure you to spend money on them but they don't really work, or they work for a while and then they stop. The only one who's making money is the guy who sold you the program or formula.
Have you ever heard a saying Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail. If you don't have goal in place and a way to achieve it, then there is no way to succeed. It's like using your GPS, but not putting in a final destination. So before you start on your journey make a plan on your goals and what you'll be doing it to achieve it.
There is one reason why people fail- paralysis by analysis - You may have heard this saying. This basically means too much time is spent on trying to perfect everything that nothing ever gets done. Whatever you do put out the first time is the worst it can ever be. You can always go back and tweak it later to make it better when you see some results.
Invest in current needs relates to SOS. There are always cool new software and tools that come up on a regular basis that can help automate your business. Before you buy them ask yourself "Do I really need it, will it help me do better?" If the answer is NO, don't buy it and revisit it once you have a directed need. If it's a quality product it will still be around.
You need to know that you are not alone. I've seen so many fail because they can't do something in their business. Maybe it is some simple action or technical situation, or graphical problem. The point is that even if you can't do it, there are people who can. Don't let these types of excuses stop you from moving forward.
In my years of being an affiliate marketer I've seen many people that will have a bit of success and make a few bucks and then go celebrate it by buying things and spending all their earnings. The point is, that when you are just starting out, it's important to take those small successes and reinvest back into the business. I usually spend 20% of my paychecks on advertising and 80% on me. But when you are a beginner it's best to do it 50:50.
I see a lot of people getting into a business because they see everyone else doing it and soon they get bored and move to something else, or they don't get paid as they expected and the amount they expect it so they move on to the next program and so on, and so on. So they are basically wasting time and money by not sticking to just one program. It lasts at least 6 months before you're getting big money maybe even a year, because it takes this long to build a business.
I know we are in this business to make money. But if you focus only on your results then you are missing out. But if you focus on helping and serving others, your business will start to grow rapidly, and you are going to actually feel good about making a difference.
There is one reason that happens all the time. In order for you to actually make money online, you need to sell something. It doesn't matter if you sell other people's stuff as an affiliate or your own products. The fact is, if you really want to make real money online, you need to sell products - from TripleClicks.
This one is the last and the most problematic and so true. The main reason why most people fail or give up is that they don't take consistent action. They try it for a few weeks and than stop and move on to other programs. For true success, you need to form daily habits and take action on the tasks that are going to push your business forward. By doing this consistently, you'll see that each of those actions sums up on top of each other over time. This is where you start to see results and success.
I've seen much more reasons why people fail in affiliate marketing but I believe that these 10 reasons are the most common ones. Read them through carefully and if you see some of them appearing on you, change them. If you are serious about SFI and making it work, you need to work to. That means not only doing the daily actions, it also means promoting TripleClicks products to outsiders, bringing in affiliates under you. I've given you all the information you'll ever need, you just have to look for it.
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